We know that in the service and hospitality industry, last-minute hiccups and occurrences can impact the quality of service your establishment provides.
That's why we created PEP Hospitality services.
Our purpose is to provide a solution to staff shortages and absenteeism of all kinds, for all businesses in the hospitality industry. With our services, you no longer have to worry about staff calling in sick and leaving you understaffed on a busy day. You also no longer need to have the headache of keeping staff on rotation when hotel occupancy is low or when business is slow. We provide the staff you need, right when you need it at one standard fee.
To date, we have already contracted over 120 workers to show up and give your establishment exactly what you need.
What are the advantages of using Pep Hospitality Services?
The greatest advantage for any establishment is always SAVINGS!
How exactly do we save you money?
Payment for each worker is determined on one set daily payment per person and not on the hours worked nor is it determined by the day of the week. This means that it is one set rate, even for public holidays and special functions.
Also, our staff can work 7 days a week, without overtime or time or double time, without causing your company any labour discrepancies or disputes. We simply rotate the staff on your behalf to suit your needs.
Is your hotel occupancy low or is your restaurant going through a low season?
Since our staff is not contracted directly by your establishment, you have the option of simply taking less staff from us daily, or pausing our services until occupancy levels allow for more staff. You will not need to think about providing the minimum 24 hours per week per worker as is outlined in Antigua’s labour laws, thereby saving you a lot during these slower periods.